

I can't hide the truth from everyone..

I wear my brace to school and after each day I put it in my brother's car so I can go to drama practice/sports.

Lately, my brother has been driving his friends home. So I would try my best to hide it in plain sight, throw a jacket over it.

But sometimes I dont have a jacket. And sometimes his friends open the door and there my brace is, sitting right there.

I used to be so afraid of anyone knowing about it, but their reaction really surprised me.

They just kept moving on. They didn't even think of me differently really. All three of the people that my brother drives home don't care at all. Some people at school have poked my stomach and asked about the brace but when I tell them, they don't really seem to mind at all.

This was a huge surprise to me cuz I thought that having a back brace was the ugliest, worstest thing that could happen to a lady, but it's not! I thought people would be absolutely disgusted with me, but they're not.
I've had my brace for about ayear now. Honestly, I don't care if people know. I think about 20 or 30 people know, but they don't mind.

Having a brace doesn't change who I am. My friends will know me for how I act, and how I make them feel. Not what I'm wearing under my clothes.

So don't be afraid to tell a few people. You'll be surprised at how understanding some of them can be.

The ones that mind don't matter. And the ones that matter don't mind. :)